Signs of Spring are beginning to appear! Temperatures in the forties prevailed this week and the long range forecast looks warm and clear for the next week. The nursery is open for the season, with plenty of great plant material in stock already. Throughout the spring we will be adding to our inventory to cover all of your plant needs.
Drop in to say hello soon! During March we are open Mon-Fri 8:00 to 5:00 and by appointment on the weekend.
Check out the photos below of some stock from the yard.

Not Quite Ready For Planting?
Early spring is a great time to top dress perennial and shrub beds.
All Nantucket soils will benefit from the addition of organic matter, whether they be the sandy, lean soils on Eel Point Road or the pockets of clay found in ‘Sconset. MooDoo, composted cow manure, is an ideal source of organic matter that helps build the soil that feeds our plants. We offer it in conveniently sized bags, ready to go and easy to apply.