I’d dare to say that Rosa rugosa is the most widely planted species of rose on Nantucket. The plain species form has a gorgeous deep pink, single flower; however there are many hybrids to consider as well. A single white form, var. alba, has also been selected.
Check out the following cultivars for a little variety in your Rosa rugosa beds:
Rosa rugosa var. alba: White single flowers
Rosa rugosa ‘Frau Dagmar Hartopp’ aka ‘Fru Dagmar Hastrup’: Introduced in 1914. Medium-sized shrub 3-4′ tall. Single pale pink flowers
Rosa rugosa ‘Hansa’: Introduced in 1905. 5′ tall shrub. Large, ruffled, double magenta-purple flowers.
Rosa rugosa ‘Henry Hudson’: Introduced in 1976. Short shrub, growing to 2′. Flattened, double-white flowers.
Rosa rugosa ‘Jens Munk’: A Canadian introduction, 1974. Light pink-double flowers.
Rosa rugosa ‘Pink Grootendorst’: Introduced in 1923. Taller, upright shrub growing to 5′ or more. 1″ tight, frilled pink flowers.
Rosa rugosa ‘Purple Pavement’: Introduced in 1983. Compact, rounded shrub growing to 3′. Large, semi-double, deep magenta flowers.
Rosa rugosa ‘Snow Pavement’: Introduced in 1986. Compact, rounded shrub, growing to 3′. Large, semi-double, pale pink flowers that mature to white.
Rosa rugosa ‘Therese Bugnet’: Introduced in 1941. Taller, upright shrub growing to 5′. Red stems. Medium pink, fully-double flowers.