Can there be anything better than eating a plump berry at it’s peak? Supermarket fruit can’t compare to ripe berries picked and eaten out of hand. No wonder more and more people are growing their own!
Most berry bushes require no more care than landscape shrubs. Apart from annual pruning, there is not much in the way of work to be done to keep them productive. Just plant them in full sun, and plan on a bountiful harvest this summer!
We have both high and lowbush blueberries in stock and are expecting some 5-6′ Highbush Blueberry ‘Elliot’ next week. This late variety is a vigorous plant that performs very well in our climate, while producing a heavy crop of berries. We also have a wide aray of Raspberries, Blackberries, and Gooseberries for you to choose from, that will provide you with the highest quality fruit for years to come.