American Holly

Ilex opaca

Ilex opaca 'Satyr Hill'
Ilex opaca ‘Satyr Hill’

American Holly is one of the most statuesque native trees that we sell here at the nursery. Mature specimens are a sight to behold. If you have ever taken a walk through Squam Swamp, you have already walked past several beautiful examples.

Young American hollies tend to be a little funny looking, with an uneven habit. But in age, these trees are widely pyramidal with ascending branches, and generally quite symmetrical – Well worth the wait! They grow slowly to 30 feet in height, and spread out to 15-30 feet wide.

The leaves are very tough and spiny, ranging in color from a yellowish-olive to a deep, lustrous green. They are among a very small number of evergreen trees that the deer stay away from. Keep in mind they are monoecious, meaning male and female flowers are borne on separate plants. Only females will have berries, but they do require a male to pollinate the flowers for proper fruit set. ‘Jersey Knight’ is a male cultivar that is often used to pollinate females.

We are happy to have a number of excellent specimens in stock in a variety of sizes. It’s still early enough to plant, so stop by and we would be happy to show them to you.